
Justin Trudeau's government raises taxes on wealthiest Canadians in federal budget

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内容摘要:OTTAWA, Ontario (AP) — Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ’s government announced Tuesday it is

OTTAWA, Ontario (AP) — Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ’s government announced Tuesday it is imposing higher taxes on the wealthiest Canadians as part of the federal budget.

The budget proposes to increase the capital gains inclusion rate, which refers to the taxable share of profit made on the sale of assets.

The taxable portion of capital gains above $250,000 Canadian (US$181,000) would rise from half to two-thirds, which the federal government says will only affect 0.1% of Canadians and raise nearly $20 billion Canadian (US$14.5 billion) in revenue over five years.

“I know there will be many voices raised in protest. No one likes paying more tax, even — or perhaps particularly — those who can afford it the most,” Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said.

“But before they complain too bitterly, I would like Canada’s one per cent — Canada’s 0.1% — to consider this: What kind of Canada do you want to live in?”

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